

We live in an era of internet booming with boomers making the full efforts to fit into the outburst of this thing called “Internet”. Everything that we think we need today can easily be delivered to our homes all we need to do is just order it from the comfort of our living room. Online shopping does have it’s perks. But if we take a breather and think about it, not only has it made it easier to get the things home-delivered also it brought the things which were not accessible before to our doorsteps. Now we do not have to care at what part of the world does the item lies in all we need to do is press that sweet buy now buttons on the web page and it will be delivered as soon as possible. Hydroponics is one such boon. Hydroponic is the technique or say is a way of growing plants without soil and using mineral nutrient solutions in a water solvent. If it was not for the internet many of us millennials would not even know what that meant. Where to get this water solvent which can

What are Grow tents?

Why not start by looking at a bigger picture today? Why do we live on earth not any other planet in the solar system? Or why do we prefer to build ourselves a home to live in and not just lie down on the footpath (although it is not safe)? To answer the above questions you might say that is because earth is our home, about the most suitable conditions to live in and we live in a house because that is the place which contains all the resources required for our growth and daily survival.  Every living organism then whether it is a human or an animal requires conditions that can add to its growth and development. Plants are no different. They also require the same amount of conditions to be fulfilled so that they can cherish forever too. Now our planet provides mild climate such as spring and summer to envision the ubiquitous greenery and full flowering. However, some places such as Poland, which have harsh winters, do not permit the people to witness this natural beauty. An

Nutrients and Fertilizers kits

A smart gardener knows the difference between beneficiary nutrients and fertilizers. In today’s article, we will discuss the difference between nutrients kits and fertilizer kits and how they can benefit our garden. In school, we are taught that plants are autotrophs that make their food from the sun and environment around. But what does this environment consists of? This environment consists of nutrients that help plant food to make protein, vitamins, and other necessary elements for the plants.                                            What are the nutrients? Nutrients are like plant food that turns sugar and carbohydrates into essential elements like protein, vitamin, etc so that the plant can grow and protect themselves from diseases. What are fertilizers? As discussed above, the environment consists of nutrients that form essential elements. Fertilization means providing the plant environment with those elements directly. Fertilizers are the chemicals t

Picking the best hydroponics kit for your indoor garden

We humans have different needs like food, shelter, clothes, etc. Just like us, plants have some needs too. Providing water and medium to grow hardly covers the basics of that. Different plants need different mediums to grow and different nutrients to give out the best yield. Plants that grow out get all those requirements done but indoor plants/ hydroponic plants do not get much of them. So, here comes a question. What should we provide our hydroponic garden with so that we get a better yield? Let's find out as the article proceeds. 1. Are you a hobbyist or a professional gardener? If you are just a hobbyist then you are up for trying different things. However, if you are a businessman then you will not want any risks. If you are new to this or just doing it as a hobby then liquid fertilizers are the quickest option for you. Everything is already mixed up, one just has to use it directly. There are also powdered form fertilizers but those are pretty strong for a hobby

How a grow tent supports your garden

The idea of an indoor garden seems very fascinating but at the same time quite messy too. Having an indoor garden requires attention and care. A grow tent, also known as grow room, ensures that the ecosystem of your indoor garden stays balanced. These grow tents are an easily collapsible and separate indoor garden from the rest of the environment. That means growing your garden in these modern equipped grow tents will make your yield better. Let’s find out how these tents can help you: A Smart Garden A garden where light, water, temperature, and humidity, everything can be controlled by you. Whatever may the weather be outside; inside this tent, everything works very smoothly. Types of equipment like humidifiers, heaters, fans, etc can be equipped very easily. Pest control Even an indoor garden is vulnerable to the pest attack. But not with grow tents. Everything will be covered up in an airtight seal ensuring a soothing environment that is away from the reach

How Hydroponic & Irrigation Systems Complete your Garden

Optimize your cost of water and fertilizers along with an increase in crop yield and a better crop quality with Hydroponic Irrigation Systems . It provides balanced nutrients to the roots of the crops irrespective of the season that means better crops anytime. MaxGrow Shop has come up with the latest technological innovative devices that take care of your crops efficiently. GIB Irrigation Drippers GIB Irrigation Drippers will not only control the flow of water but will also make sure the roots are getting water directly. The evaporation in this system is minimal and nutrient reach to plants is high because better crops need a better irrigation style. This irrigation system comprises products that can support plants ranging from 4 plants a system to 40 plants a system. Nutriculture Hydroponics Nutriculture is not a new name in the plant market. In this system, water directly flows over the roots and they suck the amount they want and extra water goes directly

All You Need to Know About Hydroponic Grow Lights

The era now is changing quickly and that means we don’t have time to stop and compromise. We want everything now and here. Sun is the one best thing that helps grow plants but is sun available all year long? That means the food we grow, the flowers we want to see and the fruits we want to make juice are bound to grow in their specific seasons. What if I want fresh Apple juice? Would I have to wait for 7-8 months? Now, you don’t because Max Hydroponic Grow Lights are there to control these seasons and rescue your cravings. Hydroponic Grow Lights are a smart modern solution for the absence of Sun. What is it that Hydroponic Lights do? They provide plants with the artificial light that benefits them in the same way Sun does. And what’s the benefit? They can provide you with that light anytime you want that means your garden is no more under the constraints of nature. You can grow whatever and whenever you want because you will have the necessary lightings anytime you want.