
Showing posts from February, 2020


We live in an era of internet booming with boomers making the full efforts to fit into the outburst of this thing called “Internet”. Everything that we think we need today can easily be delivered to our homes all we need to do is just order it from the comfort of our living room. Online shopping does have it’s perks. But if we take a breather and think about it, not only has it made it easier to get the things home-delivered also it brought the things which were not accessible before to our doorsteps. Now we do not have to care at what part of the world does the item lies in all we need to do is press that sweet buy now buttons on the web page and it will be delivered as soon as possible. Hydroponics is one such boon. Hydroponic is the technique or say is a way of growing plants without soil and using mineral nutrient solutions in a water solvent. If it was not for the internet many of us millennials would not even know what that meant. Where to get this water solvent which can